Monday, February 14, 2011

10 Biggest Forex Trading Mistakes and Misconceptions

Here is an excerpt from Nial Fuller's latest article, it's about trading mistakes and misconceptions and links you to a ton of other awesome articles to help you figure out how to correct your trading mistakes. Very cool piece of helpful literature from N.F...... again!

"All Forex traders tend to commit similar mistakes when interacting with the market. They also tend to harbor similar misconceptions about trading and what successful Forex trading is all about. This week’s article can be thought of as a guide to what the biggest trading mistakes and misconceptions are and what you can do to put an end to them. You should refer back to this article often to help you stay on the path to becoming a profitable trader. This article will give you some valuable insight and direct you to other relevant articles so that you can stop making the same trading mistakes and let go of any misconceptions you hold about Forex trading."

Check the article out here:

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